SubmitAdsforFree is my favorite Traffic Exchange
The Downliner is my favorite Traffic Exchange Tool.
Now, read on to find out how you can use these websites to literally explode traffic to your site right across the net and get 1000 free hits to your website!
1) Join The Downliner. I took (and recommend) the yearly upgrade offer when first joining, but free works too.
Add your link to the site that you want seen all over the internet into the co-op under the menu at the top left: Advertising > Campaigns.
It Looks Like This:
2) Join SubmitAds4Free and view 50 members sites to receive a signup bonus of 100 Credits and 2000 each - Banner, Text, and Square Banner Ads.
Tip: This does not include any surf promo codes you find in your back office, apply the surf codes and receive promo bonuses!
How to use your promo code: In your SubmitAds4Free back office scroll down to Site News on page right
to see Todays Surf Code:, copy it and click on Enter Code Here.
There will be a place to insert the promo code:
*note code may change (you`ll see new codes everyday!) and amount of credits can be anywhere from
100 to 1000 credits.
3) Use your The Downliner Cooperative URL as the website promoted in SubmitAds4Free.
Find your Cooperative URL in your The Downliner back office, under the dashboard link: Look for the image shown below.
Click to copy your Cooperative URL link, then paste it somewhere safe like notepad, it will look like the one below, but of course yours will have your user number at the end.
This will be the link you want to promote in SubmitAds4Free (and your favorite TE's).
Be sure to surf to activate your SubmitAds4Free account to make
sure you get the sign up bonus and Surf Code bonuses.
In your back office click on Surf Now.
Surfing is easy there is a bar at the top of the page, a timer counts down to zero and then you click on the matching image.
It looks like this:
Surf at least 50 pages to activate your account! Surf as long and as often as you can to keep earning advertising credit and remember to claim your daily surf promo codes!
The Downliner Co-Op Rotator URL will be in SubmitAds4Free and everytime it gets shown, you will collect advertising credit at
The Downliner Co-Op that you use to have the site you have in The Downliner to be shown on Traffic Sources all
over the net. You can also use your The Downliner Co-Op Rotator URL in traffic exchanges, safelists and viral list builders or any of your favorite Traffic Sources!
Side note:
I recommend upgrading at both sites however if you are on a tight budget free works as well.
I have had my site seen on more than 13,000+ traffic sources using The Downliner. The
way cool thing is SubmitAds4Free has so many games. Easy and quick, you can earn credits FAST!
Quick Re-Cap
Join SubmitAds4Free and Other Top Traffic Exchanges.
Join The Downliner, put the link you want
spread all over the net inside the Co-Op. Take your The Downliner Co-Op Rotator URL and add it in SubmitAds4Free.
Surf SubmitAds4Free Daily, your Co-Op credits will build quickly,
you then assign the credits to your site(s) in the Co-Op and it will
be seen all over the net on thousands of TE's and you only need to surf 1!
I highly recommend SubmitAds4Free and The Downliner They really are a Great combo!.
Of course
you can surf more TE's if you want but these are the 2 core sites to use.
To our success,

Greg Neale
Update: Added Top Dogs Rotator into my traffic mix, now I get traffic like the Top Dogs!